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What a data analyst can take days to do, avvaneo Discover delivers in two clicks

Your Invoice-to-Pay processes will only run optimally if they are monitored and adjusted. How will you do that if you never have all the relevant numbers and key figures available? The problem is: With many products for processing invoice receipts, reporting is the main weak point. As a result, many of the possible optimizations become downright invisible. Alternative solutions for better and faster reporting are often incomplete, complicated, and expensive. Often, they are all the above.

We have seen many companies that have as a result developed their own reporting solutions. Unfortunately, these normally have the serious disadvantages of makeshift solutions. They provide too few analyses to make the possible optimizations evident. In addition, they quickly become obsolete as the costs for maintenance, updates and adjustments are high and do not scale.

To solve this problem, we have developed a universal reporting solution for invoicing processes that can significantly and immediately improve KPI-based operational process management. It allows you to find the hidden opportunities in your process data to improve transparency and increase optimization.

Seamless reporting is often the fastest lever for greater efficiency

Reporting measures processes within a company and is intended to communicate results in an easy and understandable way. After all, to make the correct decisions, those responsible need data that is correct and as complete as possible. As Peter F. Drucker said, "You can't manage what you can't measure." Reporting, however, is not meant to simply store data in a database, but to transform data into insights.

Unfortunately, we have found that it is precisely this transformation of data assets into helpful, near-real-time insights that is often neglected. There has always been a lack of solutions that make the data easy to query and provide the relevant analysis and visualizations quickly and conveniently. We still often experience that reporting has to be laboriously prepared, as in the old days, by downloading lists of documents as CSV and then creating your own solutions in Excel. This approach has three disadvantages: it is incomplete, error-prone, and time-consuming. Ultimately, efficiency is wasted on many levels.

avvaneo Discover makes your invoice-to-pay processes much more efficient immediately

Our solution for this is avvaneo Discover. avvaneo Discover analyzes your invoice receipt process across the entire range of data, interprets the data, and provides comprehensive visualizations, simply on demand. In addition, a wide variety of filters are provided that you can apply.

The interface is not only extremely convenient in daily use. Rather, with its comprehensive features, avvaneo Discover fulfills the role of a data analyst who continuously takes care of your invoice-to-pay processes. The tool opens closed doors and allows you to see all the details of your invoicing - as easily filtered and as detailed as it gets.

Right after implementation, we're off.

Users receive over 35 ready-to-use dashboards out-of-the-box to conveniently perform deep analysis from day one. A benefit of flexibility: avvaneo Discover supports all process control roles. The basis for this is the comprehensive data model in the background, to which your employees can ask their own questions for analysis at any time. Combination with other data sources is also possible.

Ask anything you want to know - you'll get the answer in seconds.

The main thing is that you know in real time and daily how smoothly your invoicing processes are running, whether there seem to be problems somewhere, and what the current trends are in your invoice processing. You can break that down by due dates, accounts, or vendors.

For example, if you want to know how many invoices are being processed automatically, which workflows are taking the longest, whether all suppliers are adhering to your no-PO-no-pay rule, what discount amounts would have been possible, and what would happen if you changed your pricing tolerances, avvaneo Discover will give you a quick and accurate answers for those questions at any time.

In this way, avvaneo Discover expands your options for all sorts of analytical ideas. At any time, you can direct the search differently, narrowly or broadly, as well as to different sections of your invoicing processes. For example, you get:

  • Analysis of the current backlog that show you how the work currently pending can be optimally distributed and prioritized
  • KPIs for self-defined objectives
  • Accurate analysis of every part of the processing, from invoice recognition with OCR to payment
  • Detection of problematic, suboptimal process points and optimization needs
  • What-if simulations to verify the effective consequences of best-practice optimizations before implementation or to adjust them even more optimally

You get solid basis for quick optimizations

Useful key figures must meet various requirements. This is exactly what we focused on when we developed avvaneo Discover. In general, these 5 points are particularly important for KPIs to be effective and reliably usable. The key figures should ...

  1. fulfill the SMART principle and be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely,
  2. have a clear relationship to the analyzed process and to parameters that can be controlled,
  3. be based on real process data,
  4. include target and tolerance values to be able to quickly identify the necessary measures.

Easy to integrate with SAP Analytics Cloud and Power BI

The Discover dashboards are easy to integrate with SAP Analytics Cloud or Microsoft Power BI. This means no changes to your system landscape and the applications are familiar and easy to use immediately. If you are using SAP Analytics Cloud, we support that. If you are using Microsoft Power BI, that's just as good.

Both solutions are very popular, usually one of them has been in use for a long time. If not? That's not a problem either. We are happy to help you implement either one, as they are both easy to set up and very cost-effective (Power BI may already be included in your Microsoft licenses.) The crucial point is: Your data stays in your existing system landscape and the level of your data security remains as high as before.

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What a data analyst can take days to do, avvaneo Discover delivers in two clicks

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AI solves assignment problems faster than humans - Part 1

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