Do you have lots of invoices flying around in your company and you lost track?
Why not automate your invoice processing?
Here are three very good reasons on why you should opt for it:
- You've invested much time, effort, and expense on improving your purchasing process, but you still must manually handle the associated invoices. What a pain!
- Your team spends far too much time chasing “Dave in IT" to approve invoices; meanwhile, you’re fielding fourth and fifth calls from frustrated suppliers asking for status and payments! How frustrating!
- Your team is wasting valuable time on correcting the same old quotidian issues and mistakes – be it unexpected delivery costs or small price differences. Having to repeat the same corrections time and again is not only inefficient, it’s simply tedious for your team, and for you personally!
So here comes relief: Automating your Accounts Payable will remove these pain points and will make you much more efficient - saving you both time and money. You will have lots of time left to potter around the office, looking for work!