Which formats are permitted for electronic invoices?
Find out which formats are relevant for electronic invoicing and what advantages the introduction has for companies.
Read article Which formats are permitted for electronic invoices?
Find out which formats are relevant for electronic invoicing and what advantages the introduction has for companies.
Read article Which formats are permitted for electronic invoices?
Digitization is a megatrend. An important part of this is electronic invoices as a mandatory requirement for business-to-business transactions. Their introduction will soon be mandatory throughout Europe - no company will be able to avoid this digitization step. In Germany, the legal guideline for this is contained in the Growth Opportunities Act.
avvaneo Expedite has learned and can now extract enough clues from unstructured invoice information to automatically set up to over 90 percent of all tax codes correctly.
Read article What a data analyst can take days to do, avvaneo Discover delivers in two clicks
avvaneo Expedite has learned and can now extract enough clues from unstructured invoice information to automatically set up to over 90 percent of all tax codes correctly.
Read article Tax codes: Reducing administrative costs with AI
Ask the ordinary person on the street what the abbreviation ISO stands for. Electricians' shorthand for "insulate"? Internal Safety Organism? Internal Security Orchestra? The last one comes close, but of course ISO is the abbreviation for one of the most successful NGOs of all time.
Auf der Basis unserer Erfahrungen und der vorhandenen Expertise arbeiten wir an der nächsten Stufe des Fortschritts in der Automatisierung von Finanzprozessen. Darüber und viel mehr wollen wir Ihnen gerne direkt berichten, bei unserem nächsten avvaneo User Group Meeting.
Too many invoices do not find their way into the correct workflow automatically? You are not alone with this issue. In many companies with automatic invoice processing, up to 15% of incoming invoices are routed incorrectly. Sometimes the mistake is made by the system, sometimes by a person.
Read article AI solves assignment problems faster than humans - Part 2
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