
Expert knowledge on the subject of next-level automation

Artificial intelligence is in the midst of its next wave of innovation - and avvaneo is not to be outdone

AI on all screens. The public trembles. Cheers. Amazed. We are not surprised.

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Our certified Internal Security Orchestra

Ask the ordinary person on the street what the abbreviation ISO stands for. Electricians' shorthand for "insulate"? Internal Safety Organism? Internal Security Orchestra? The last one comes close, but of course ISO is the abbreviation for one of the most successful NGOs of all time.

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Online User Group Meeting 2023

Auf der Basis unserer Erfahrungen und der vorhandenen Expertise arbeiten wir an der nächsten Stufe des Fortschritts in der Automatisierung von Finanzprozessen. Darüber und viel mehr wollen wir Ihnen gerne direkt berichten, bei unserem nächsten avvaneo User Group Meeting.

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Artificial intelligence: Is everything going faster and faster now?

Mathematical computing has advanced rapidly in recent years. Learn more about the state of Artificial Intelligence. We will share the definitions, the most important areas, and how we at avvaneo use Artificial Intelligence to your advantage.

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Blumatix & avvaneo: Together we make you more efficient

It can be a long road from fully automated digitization of invoice documents to end-to-end automatic posting. Where do the problems lie?

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AI solves assignment problems faster than humans - Part 2

Too many invoices do not find their way into the correct workflow automatically? You are not alone with this issue. In many companies with automatic invoice processing, up to 15% of incoming invoices are routed incorrectly. Sometimes the mistake is made by the system, sometimes by a person.

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