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Our certified Internal Security Orchestra

Ask the ordinary person on the street what the abbreviation ISO stands for. Electricians' shorthand for "insulate"? Internal Safety Organism? Internal Security Orchestra? The last one comes close, but of course ISO is the abbreviation for one of the most successful NGOs of all time, namely the Non-Governmental Organization called the International Organization for Standardization.
Founded two years after World War II, ISO now has offices in 164 countries. 23,196 standards have been debated, adopted and are applicable around the globe today. World trade, trade agreements, globalization - we wouldn't have as much to discuss if not for ISO and its famous ISO standards.
Yes, we are now also ISO certified
avvaneo has always invested in security. Nobody would expect otherwise. Every company today, from backend to frontend, from local to the cloud, must be on guard 24/7 to ensure that no fatal error or malicious intruder can cause damage.
So we have integrated state-of-the-art security procedures and perimeter protection from the ground up, and now finally we wanted to be measured officially: How gapless is gapless for us, in reality? Also performing a disaster test to uncover any unrecognized gaps in our security systems.
Key cyber security certification completed
Specifically, we commissioned FOX Certification GmbH to audit and certify us in accordance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard. This standard is considered the most important international certification for cyber security ("information security").
It is not focused on a condition that has just been achieved now and will be outdated in four weeks. Rather, the emphasis is on the processes we use to keep our security permanently up-to-date.
The certification covers all key aspects of secure IT operations – Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Data and Systems, including all the steps from Planning and Implementation to continuous Monitoring and any necessary Improvements. In other words: our complete Information Security Management System (ISMS), i.e. all the instruments of avvaneo's "internal security orchestra", was certified.
Our certification also benefits our customers
Standardization does not imply total uniformity. This is the case for us. ISO/IEC 27001 first analyzes the specific needs of a company. That is why our certification has as its scope a description of activities, which for avvaneo reads as follows:
"International Development, Consulting and Support to Increase the Automation of Financial Processes using Artificial Intelligence, Analytics and Customized Solutions for medium-sized and international Companies."
For our customers, this is good news. Our certification considers our specific services and customer structure. For example, when we implement software we develop for you, that software is technically clean and tight. It will only do what it is supposed to do. And has always been tested for security vulnerabilities before your company touches it.
"And did the certification hurt much?"
Of course, ISO certification is no walk in the park. Nor should it be. Nevertheless, we endured the pain of the audit without sedation. One of the reasons we didn't have any major problems with the enormously detailed audit processes is that, as developers of automation for financial processes, we are used to documenting everything as a standard practice.
Documenting well is part of our daily routine. To the extent that "security as part of the corporate culture" is part of the ISO/IEC 27001 certification, employees at every level and in all departments have always been part of this battle. All standard requirements are firmly wired and embedded, and we constantly keep a close eye on everything. Now you, our customers and partners, can rely on us to do so even more.
The 5 points for which we now have letter and seal
- Information security: we manage our information security dynamically, not rigidly: self-monitoring is constantly active, and any need for adjustment is identified and implemented at an early stage.
- Risk minimization: we identify vulnerabilities before they emerge at our customers' or our own sites.
- Information security: if necessary, we can quickly detect and repair the potential consequences of attacks by hackers, data loss or data misuse.
- Security as a Corporate Culture: all standard requirements are part of our daily business and job descriptions.
- Implementation of External Requirements: We also systematically fulfill the criteria of Availability, Confidentiality and Integrity with regard to the requirements of third parties (Customers, Auditors, Partners).

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Digitization of invoicing in Germany
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Our certified Internal Security Orchestra
Ask the ordinary person on the street what the abbreviation ISO stands for. Electricians' shorthand for "insulate"? Internal Safety Organism? Internal Security Orchestra? The last one comes close, but of course ISO is the abbreviation for one of the most successful NGOs of all time.

Online User Group Meeting 2023
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AI solves assignment problems faster than humans - Part 2
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AI solves assignment problems faster than humans - Part 1
You have been driving the automation of your financial processes for years. And then you realize: there are still annoying losses due to inefficiency. For example, invoices that should process automatically but still get stuck in manual workflow loops for 2 to 5 days.
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AI for more speed: Intelligent account assignment of incoming invoices
Invoice receipt in SAP - today this essentially runs automatically in large companies. Usually smoothly and quickly, as long as the relevant information for automatic account assignment is within the invoice data received.
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New: avvaneo Discover shows concrete optimization potential
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Purchasing and accounting - one happy family? Yes, sure!
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What are the costs of handling your inbound invoices?
Exceptions happen, right? But what happens when you don’t address the root cause?
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Automate all processes for incoming invoices using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Until now, the automation of general expense invoices was limited. We have analyzed how AI can overcome these limitations.
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Coding in finance on autopilot with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Assigning the correct cost elements and G/L accounts to incoming invoices is a time-consuming task for finance teams.
How much automation is possible?
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AI for financial processes - An analysis of automation potential with real data
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How automated is your accounts payable and how accurate is your recognition?
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Do you know the answers to all these questions?
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Reduction of VAT in Germany until the end of 2020, what companies need to consider.
The billion-euro economic stimulus package of the German government includes a planned reduction of the value-added tax rates from July 1 until the end of 2020, which leaves companies with little time to adapt their systems accordingly.
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Webinar - AP Automation in a data driven future
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avvaneo Supports Artificial Intelligence Frankfurt Rhein-Main
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How a typical employee maps to the Virtual Workforce, and how they don’t!
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Why all the hype over artificial intelligence (AI)?
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Not for now!
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RPA for FPA: Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Vendor (KYV)
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Ready, Set, RPA!

Have summer holidays zapped your staff? There’s a Robot for that...
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Financial Process Automation not just AP Automation
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The key to invoice exception resolution in Shared Services
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E-invoicing is good. But e-invoicing paired with AP automation is better
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Manual invoice processing is hurting your company. Agile invoice processing is the fix.
Agility means to move quickly and easily. Manual invoice processing is the antithesis of agility. There are multiple points of friction that slow down manual invoice processing and it’s costing your organization time and money.
Read article Manual invoice processing is hurting your company. Agile invoice processing is the fix.

How robotics improve AP …and No, they aren’t coming for your Job.
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Read article How robotics improve AP …and No, they aren’t coming for your Job.

avvaneo partners with Centrifuge to bring blockchain to financial process automation
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avvaneo Document Creator 2 certified as powered by SAP NetWeaver®
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avvaneo Document Creator certified as powered by SAP NetWeaver®
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