
Expert knowledge on the subject of next-level automation

AI in the Finance department

The majority of finance team processes are either structured and repetitive or analytical and statistical — here we look at how those scenarios map to available technology, AI and RPA.

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How a typical employee maps to the Virtual Workforce, and how they don’t!

Deploying a virtual workforce to assist humans creates a more flexible workforce, but how best to incorporate AI and Machine Learning.

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Why all the hype over artificial intelligence (AI)?

Robots do all the work while we sit back and relax.... Is this our new reality?

Not for now!

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RPA for FPA: Month End Closing

Your organization’s financial close and reporting processes — from closing out subledgers to creating and delivering financial filings to regulatory bodies — are complex and burdensome involving multiple systems, departments, and people.

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RPA for FPA: Price Comparison

Your organization works with multiple suppliers and fluctuating prices, which can make sourcing products and cost containment laborious and undependable.

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RPA for FPA: Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Vendor (KYV)

Your organization’s ongoing KYC and KYV initiatives are complex, manually-intensive, and challenging and costly to maintain, which can result in compromised processes and quality checks, ultimately leading to poor customer/vendor relationships or even bad press for your organization.

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