Which formats are permitted for electronic invoices?
Find out which formats are relevant for electronic invoicing and what advantages the introduction has for companies.
Read article Which formats are permitted for electronic invoices?
Find out which formats are relevant for electronic invoicing and what advantages the introduction has for companies.
Read article Which formats are permitted for electronic invoices?
Digitization is a megatrend. An important part of this is electronic invoices as a mandatory requirement for business-to-business transactions. Their introduction will soon be mandatory throughout Europe - no company will be able to avoid this digitization step. In Germany, the legal guideline for this is contained in the Growth Opportunities Act.
Your organization’s ongoing KYC and KYV initiatives are complex, manually-intensive, and challenging and costly to maintain, which can result in compromised processes and quality checks, ultimately leading to poor customer/vendor relationships or even bad press for your organization.
Read article RPA for FPA: Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Vendor (KYV)
The question is not whether you should automate, but why aren’t you automating more?
Read article Financial Process Automation not just AP Automation
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