Which formats are permitted for electronic invoices?
Find out which formats are relevant for electronic invoicing and what advantages the introduction has for companies.
Read article Which formats are permitted for electronic invoices?
Find out which formats are relevant for electronic invoicing and what advantages the introduction has for companies.
Read article Which formats are permitted for electronic invoices?
Digitization is a megatrend. An important part of this is electronic invoices as a mandatory requirement for business-to-business transactions. Their introduction will soon be mandatory throughout Europe - no company will be able to avoid this digitization step. In Germany, the legal guideline for this is contained in the Growth Opportunities Act.
Assigning the correct cost elements and G/L accounts to incoming invoices is a time-consuming task for finance teams.
How much automation is possible?
Read article Coding in finance on autopilot with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The use of AI in finance departments allows automation for processes that previously had to be handled manually. Read our analysis of real data of a company on the potential of using AI.
Read article AI for financial processes - An analysis of automation potential with real data
Do you know how much discount you are throwing away?
Read article Are you missing out on easily accessible early payment discounts?
How close are you to the goal of automatically processing incoming invoices? Where are the biggest opportunities for process improvement in your company? How good is the recognition of unstructured invoices?
Do you know the answers to all these questions?
Read article How automated is your accounts payable and how accurate is your recognition?
The billion-euro economic stimulus package of the German government includes a planned reduction of the value-added tax rates from July 1 until the end of 2020, which leaves companies with little time to adapt their systems accordingly.
Read article Reduction of VAT in Germany until the end of 2020, what companies need to consider.
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